Epic First Blog-Post Fail: Blogger Suicide I really didn’t think my first-ever post (2016) was going to be based on the tragedy we are currently facing as a family. My intentions for this website were so noble, I promise. My goal was that I’d be incredibly helpful to all of you, providing all of the information, tips and tricks I’ve learned on this journey regarding all of my kiddos who are dealing with Autism. But every time I sit down to write, the trial we are facing is what’s itching to come off of my finger tips. So, even though this is probably blogger suicide to jump right in and share about life rather than some helpful “how-to” tips, I’ve got to be consistent with the description of who I am. I’m a self-professed “word-lava(ist)”, and I ooze what’s currently erupting. You just get what you get as it bubbles and flows out in all of it’s array of colors, smells, sounds and sensations. Lucky You! The Day My World Stopped Spinning M...
Have you ever asked God "why"? For some reason, this year I have become especially curious about how Mary must have reacted when she found out that she'd be giving birth in a barn... with livestock! Did she ask God, "why"? I don't know what the cultural norm was back then?? Who knows? Maybe it was typical for a family to bed-down in a stable if the inns were all full? Maybe women gave birth in stables on a regular basis and it was not a shock to her? I just don't know. But I am approaching this post with the idea that it was not in Mary's plan in any way, shape or form to give birth in a barn. I have thought about Christ's birth over and over as we've celebrated Christmas each year and the significance that there is that God chose for His Son to be born in a lowly stable, but never has it dawned on me with such intensity as this year how Mary must've felt about it. She had just been delivered an amazing message that...