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When Christ Gives You Wings

Epic First Blog-Post Fail: Blogger Suicide I really didn’t think my first-ever post (2016) was going to be based on the tragedy we are currently facing as a family.  My intentions for this website were so noble, I promise.  My goal was that I’d be incredibly helpful to all of you, providing all of the information, tips and tricks I’ve learned on this journey regarding all of my kiddos who are dealing with Autism.  But every time I sit down to write, the trial we are facing is what’s itching to come off of my finger tips. So, even though this is probably blogger suicide to jump right in and share about life rather than some helpful “how-to” tips, I’ve got to be consistent with the description of who I am. I’m a self-professed “word-lava(ist)”, and I ooze what’s currently erupting.  You just get what you get as it bubbles and flows out in all of it’s array of colors, smells, sounds and sensations.  Lucky You!   The Day My World Stopped Spinning M...
Recent posts

The Reason for the Season

Have you ever asked God "why"? For some reason, this year I have become especially curious about how Mary must have reacted when she found out that she'd be giving birth in a barn... with livestock!  Did she ask God, "why"? I don't know what the cultural norm was back then??  Who knows?  Maybe it was typical for a family to bed-down in a stable if the inns were all full?  Maybe women gave birth in stables on a regular basis and it was not a shock to her?  I just don't know.  But I am approaching this post with the idea that it was not in Mary's plan in any way, shape or form to give birth in a barn. I have thought about Christ's birth over and over as we've celebrated Christmas each year and the significance that there is that God chose for His Son to be born in a lowly stable, but never has it dawned on me with such intensity as this year how Mary must've felt about it.  She had just been delivered an amazing message that...

Faith Stretching

Can I start this post off with a *sigh*?  Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh... Aaaarrrrrrrgggg... I just got home from a long, extremely brisk walk with my dog, Sam.  And you know how walks usually tend to relieve that pent-up stress and aggravating emotion from the day?  Well, this walk did not do that.  It was a good walk, and Sam was such a good boy, but I've just got the growls!!!  Arrrrrrrrr!  Anyone want a real-life picture of our family?  Anybody tired of always hearing everyone's good news and "facebook perfect" life?  Well, you've come to the right place.  Tonight I've got to get it all out.  And I'm praying that in the "blah" of everything, God will be able to use it to help someone who might just be going through something similar.  I should be bouncing with excitement and absolute joy because tomorrow is our big day.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is the first visit from our case worker for our adoption home study! ...


This post represents my inner-need to spew what my heart's been feeling all day.  Earlier, I received a message on facebook from an old friend.  I hadn't seen or heard from her since high school (which has been *cough cough* ten years ago now); we hadn't even exchanged messages or comments on facebook since becoming facebook friends...until today. The message from this old friend began with no warm greeting or friendly "hello".  She didn't cushion things with small talk or beating around the bush.  Her message just hammered right in and began reaming me with insults about how ignorant and uneducated I am.  She notified me of how sorry she was for my children that they would be educated by a God-lover and someone so ignorant.  Her final requests were that I stop flooding facebook with my religious ramblings about God and to not pray for her since she has an ivy league diploma, full bank account and excessive happiness.  All of this came after a nearly...

Battle Zone

I have to tell you, the road since my last post has not been easy.  Initially, it started out well... Sunday (the day after I wrote my last post) brought confirmations.  We went to church and both Calvin and I experienced a great comfort and confirmation about "getting our hands dirty" in God's work!  Both the main service at church and our Sunday School spoke on acting on God's convictions and overcoming fear !!!  After church, Calvin put his arm around me and said, "Well, I think church was just for us today."  :)  I would have to agree.  It was like the pastor's sermon and our lesson in Sunday School were tailor made for us and what we're going through.  Isn't it amazing how the Spirit works! The following days, however, have been filled with doubt and confusion.  (Big surprise, since that's how Satan always attacks me!  It is always through confusion!)  Ever since I can remember, I have had a sensitive heart for the Lord....


Calvin and I want to ask for your prayers.  If you read my post from yesterday, you know that we've been praying about where God wants us to adopt.  One of the locations was Ethiopia, and the other is from D.R. Congo.  For some reason, I felt the Congo on my heart, but after talking with the project coordinator for Congo at Lifeline Adoption Agency a couple weeks ago and finding out that their Congo program was on hold for the time being and then discovering that many other agencies had put their Congo programs on hold, I thought that maybe God had closed that door. Today, after praying more and not feeling released from pursuing the Congo further, I did an internet search for Christian adoption agencies and looked for agencies that had programs to Congo and after making one phone call, I found that this agency (All Blessings International) has an open program to Congo!  And, not only did I get to speak to a program coordinator, but the Executive Director of the ag...

My Girls

Fun encounters with my girls today: So, I'm pretty sure I'm raising a couple geniuses!  (And I am NOT one for sure...I had to look up the spelling of "genius"!) This morning while swinging on her swing set in the back yard, Ari looks at me and says, "Mom, two and two make four"...well, that's pretty normal for a five, almost six-year-old.  Then, she says, "And two and two and one are five", and I'm thinking, "Wow, she is putting together three numbers in her head, that's pretty tricky for a kid on her way to first grade!"  Then , she says, "And two and two and two is six".  She continues with, "two and two and two and one is seven and two and two and two and two is eight"!!!!!!!  She was multiplying in her head without counting on fingers, toes or out-loud!  Her kindergarten teacher told me that Ari was excelling in math, but wow!  I'm pretty sure that's not normal addition (multiplication) for ...