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Showing posts from November, 2012

Faith Stretching

Can I start this post off with a *sigh*?  Haaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh... Aaaarrrrrrrgggg... I just got home from a long, extremely brisk walk with my dog, Sam.  And you know how walks usually tend to relieve that pent-up stress and aggravating emotion from the day?  Well, this walk did not do that.  It was a good walk, and Sam was such a good boy, but I've just got the growls!!!  Arrrrrrrrr!  Anyone want a real-life picture of our family?  Anybody tired of always hearing everyone's good news and "facebook perfect" life?  Well, you've come to the right place.  Tonight I've got to get it all out.  And I'm praying that in the "blah" of everything, God will be able to use it to help someone who might just be going through something similar.  I should be bouncing with excitement and absolute joy because tomorrow is our big day.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is the first visit from our case worker for our adoption home study! ...


This post represents my inner-need to spew what my heart's been feeling all day.  Earlier, I received a message on facebook from an old friend.  I hadn't seen or heard from her since high school (which has been *cough cough* ten years ago now); we hadn't even exchanged messages or comments on facebook since becoming facebook friends...until today. The message from this old friend began with no warm greeting or friendly "hello".  She didn't cushion things with small talk or beating around the bush.  Her message just hammered right in and began reaming me with insults about how ignorant and uneducated I am.  She notified me of how sorry she was for my children that they would be educated by a God-lover and someone so ignorant.  Her final requests were that I stop flooding facebook with my religious ramblings about God and to not pray for her since she has an ivy league diploma, full bank account and excessive happiness.  All of this came after a nearly...