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Promise Revealed

I'm trying to decide where to begin...

My silence has not been intentional, just a result of circumstance.  Calvin and I have needed time to process and pray about all that is going on in our lives.  And because blogs are kind of like a public diary, we wanted to be sure before we blabbed our hearts to the whole wide world.  There are two topics that I am going to update you on.  One is my health status: woo hoo, yay, exciting!  And the other is the reveal of our mysterious promise(s) that God has laid on our hearts.

Let me start with the first, more boring topic.  My health has continued being strange.  Still no answers, but I will see a neurologist on the 17th of May, so prayers are greatly appreciated.  I still struggle on occasion with aching joints, tingling and numbness in my limbs, hands and feet, strange vision, memory problems and more.  My sinus infection just won't go away, even after being on four different types of antibiotics, and needless to say, I am ready for it to be done.  That all being said, I really have such a peace about my health.  I know that God has promised to prosper me and not to harm me; to give me a hope and a future...(Jeremiah 29:11)  so I am patiently waiting to see what the doctor says, with no fear or anxiety.

Update number two...  Drum roll please!

I am only going to fill you in on one of the two promises that we feel God has laid on our hearts.  The second promise is just too personal and close to our hearts at this point, but the first promise (which I am happy to share with you), that we have felt throttled toward at full blast is the promise that God will provide in amazing ways if/when we take the obedient steps to adoption. 

Calvin and I feel like we're infants that are using our crawler legs to walk for the first time and with wobbly limbs, we are setting out on the path that we know God has for us.  With so many unknowns and seeming impossibilities, we aren't quite sure where this path is going to take us, but just like our journey to Peru, we know it will be good.  In our prayer time together, Calvin and I have prayed so many times that God would confirm this crazy plan to us, because in our human eyes, this timing could just not be any worse with medical bills from my hospital stay and testing starting to roll in, Ella's new and upcoming therapy visits that dent the pocketbook plenty themselves and Calvin's cut hours at work, there just couldn't be a worse time to attempt a $20,000+ dollar venture.  But wouldn't you know, God has been so faithful to provide confirmation through His powerful scripture, through family, friends, radio, songs at church, pastor's sermons and even our kids that we are undeniably on the path He has for us.

 I don't have time right now to fill you in on all of the details, but what I can tell you is that our hearts have been directed to a little girl in Haiti.  The Lord has put her so heavily on our hearts, we realize that even though it will take a miracle to complete this adoption, our hearts are sure that we are headed in the right direction.  We can't see the finish line or what that might even look like, but at this moment, we know we are supposed to pursue this little girl.  A dear friend of mine encouraged me today by saying, "The Lord is a lamp unto our feet.  Not a spotlight shining on the end result.  He just wants us to take one step at a time as He lights the way."  I thought that was so profound.  We don't know quite how this journey will end or if we will end up with the precious little girl that God has laid on our hearts, but we know that she is where the journey begins.

 Some of the Haitian adoption laws and long time-frames (2-3 years for an adoption) are our biggest obstacles at this point in time, but we know that God can do all things and that He is in charge of it all.  If He is calling us to adopt this precious little child of His, then He will be faithful to provide a way, even if it seems impossible.  But then again, we have seen impossible things happen before in our family, haven't we!?  :)

We look forward to filling you in on the fun details and the way that God has been so faithful to provide confirmations throughout this journey!  Right now, I'd love to ask for your prayers over this adoption and the inevitable complications that are rising up.  We know that if God is for us, who can be against us?!  And that He is mighty to save!  If it is God's plan that we adopt our precious little one, there will be nothing and no one that can stand in the way.  And we give God all the praise, honor and glory for all He is doing in our lives now and in the future!  Until next time, thank you for your prayers!  I will be sure to keep you updated on what is going on, but like I said, it may be slow-going as the process has a tendency to take 2 - 3 years!

This is the little girl that the Lord has laid on our hearts, Altanie.  Please be in prayer for her and that Jesus would place her exactly where He wants her. 


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