I am just in awe tonight as I marvel at God's amazing power and faithfulness in my life! There are two pieces of news that we received just today that has taken what seems to be a 50 ton weight from our backs! And God's finger prints are all over the relief! Yesterday my mom, Ariana, Ella and I set out for Salt Lake City to not only check on Ella's hips, but to measure her legs, which have been almost one inch difference in length for the past couple months. A few months ago (in February) when Ella's surgeon took the metal plate out of Ella's right leg, she noticed the difference in length. At that time, she said that if the difference grew any more, Ella would need surgery on her growth plate in that leg. As we drove to Salt Lake yesterday, I honestly believed that Ella's legs had not gotten any closer in lengths and that we'd be discussing surgery once again. Today, however, when we met with Ella's surgeon, she delivered a different announcemen...
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